A Maurer rose of the rose r = sin(nθ) consists of the 360 lines successively connecting the above 361 points. Thus a Maurer rose is a with on a rose.
A Maurer rose can be described as a closed route in the . A walker starts a journey from the origin, (0, 0), and walks along a line to the point (sin(nd), d). Then, in the second leg of the journey, the walker walks along a line to the next point, (sin(n·2d), 2d), and so on. Finally, in the final leg of the journey, the walker walks along a line, from (sin(n·359d), 359d) to the ending point, (sin(n·360d), 360d). The whole route is the Maurer rose of the rose r = sin(nθ). A Maurer rose is a since the starting point, (0, 0) and the ending point, (sin(n·360d), 360d), coincide.
vertices = 361t = from 0 to 360n = 2d = 39k = t*d*0.0174533x = sin(n*k)*cos(k)y = sin(n*k)*sin(k)r = 10x = x*ry = y*rz = z*r
vertices = 361t = from 0 to 360n = 6d = 71k = t*d*0.0174533x = sin(n*k)*cos(k) y = sin(n*k)*sin(k) r = 10 x = x*r y = y*r z = z*r
vertices = 361t = from 0 to 360n = rand_int2(3, 12)d = rand_int2(1, 100)k = t*d*0.0174533x = sin(n*k)*cos(k) y = sin(n*k)*sin(k) r = 10 x = x*r y = y*r z = z*r